He said baby, what's your name
Are you new in this town?
Since you walked in things don't look the same
How about sticking around?
The place was dark and the band played loud
His voice sounded kind of dry
He said: who's that guy with the funny smile?
She said:
He's just a friend of mine (3x)
They talked a little, drank a lot
As the evening went by
The place got crowded and the air too hot
He said: who's that guy following us about?
She said:
He's just a friend of mine (3x)
He was nice and gentle, still rough enough
To keep her satisfied
She said: hold it baby, it gets too much
I feel like I'm gonna die
He took her home in the early mornin'
She said: please do come inside
He said: who's that guy in the dressing gown?
She said:
He's just a friend of mine (3x)
He said who's that guy in the dressing gown
She said baby don't you mind
He's just a friend, just a friend,
He's just a friend of mine
Are you new in this town?
Since you walked in things don't look the same
How about sticking around?
The place was dark and the band played loud
His voice sounded kind of dry
He said: who's that guy with the funny smile?
She said:
He's just a friend of mine (3x)
They talked a little, drank a lot
As the evening went by
The place got crowded and the air too hot
He said: who's that guy following us about?
She said:
He's just a friend of mine (3x)
He was nice and gentle, still rough enough
To keep her satisfied
She said: hold it baby, it gets too much
I feel like I'm gonna die
He took her home in the early mornin'
She said: please do come inside
He said: who's that guy in the dressing gown?
She said:
He's just a friend of mine (3x)
He said who's that guy in the dressing gown
She said baby don't you mind
He's just a friend, just a friend,
He's just a friend of mine
14 comentarii:
Vaya... O mare voce. Foarte multe melodii din repertoriul ei vor rămâne şi de acum încolo - multă vreme - adevărate hituri...
O ador pe Vaya con dyos...Oricand o ascult imi da o stare de bine...
of, imi pui sare pe rana) am ratat concertul lor luna asta.
Buna dimineata, Angela!!
Daca as fi ascultat aseara, as fi dansat( sa nu razi!!). Mi se intampla , deseori.
Am vazut dimineata surazand prin perdea, am ascultat gugustiucul. Ascult muzica ta.
Este albastra, si verde, si vie, Viata!
Sa ai o zi adevarata!!!
Angela, draga mea, am vazut acum cateva minute..Sunt atat de revoltata. Te pot ajuta in vreun fel???
Sa-ti dea Dumnezeu putere sa te poti intoarce cu bine.
Ai grija de tine! Va fi bine cu puiul tau! Dumnezeu are grija! Ma rog pentru voi!!!
sa ne ajute dumnezeu, pe mine si pe fetita mea.
sunt atat de ravasita ca nu stiu ce sa fac si cum sa fac.
tre sa gasesc unde sa stau la bucuresti si...multe.
emailul meu: spinei.angela@gmail.com
incerc sa gasesc solutii.
servus Angela...
nu stiu exact ce se intimpla... banuiesc doar, din alerta rindurilor Ginei...
sunt alaturi de tine chiar departe de Bucuresti fiind...
va fi bine...
sper din tot sufletul.
multumesc Flavius. conteaza tare mult.
Angela, ti-am trimis un mail.
am raspuns.
Fii tare, Angela!!!
da, sunt.
Angela eu n-am îndraznit sa deranjez... Ginei i-am scris acum ceva timp, dar am fost alaturi de tine. Sa aveti grija de voi.
e greu
mergem inainte/
mai scriu pe mail.
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